QR Codes for Financial Institutions

QR codes help financial firms and their customers

Unlock new customers, support existing clients' privacy, collect first-party data, and so much more.
American Express
Air Jordan
Make logging in secure
Privacy is paramount. Use QR codes to help protect against phishing attempts. With a QR code linked directly to the correct login page, your customers can always have a secure option to rely on.
[Industry - Finance] Make logging in secure
Drive directly to your site
Instantly connect prospects to your site when you add a QR code to a flyer, business card, or any other promotional materials.
[Industry - Finance] Drive directly to your site
Start new applications in seconds
Want to make it easier than ever for customers to apply for an account? Forget paper forms. With a scan of a QR code, applicants will be brought to an online form to get started.
[Industry - Finance] Start new applications in seconds

How financial institutions use QR codes

[Industries - Finance] Collect first party data
Collect first party data
Analytics allow you to learn how new customers became your customers. Maximize your business through testing different acquisition methods.
[Industries - Finance] Grasp the future of finance
Grasp the future of finance
QR codes can reduce the risks of fraud by sending new or existing customers directly to the forms or log-in pages they need to access.
[Industries - Finance] Increase app downloads
Increase app downloads
Forget navigating to the app store. A single scan can send customers directly to download.
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"I provide our agents with a custom lock screen image for their phone with their professional headshot and their FlowCode QR so they can easily swap information with those they meet outside the office. They love the high-tech and ultra competent impression it conveys to their prospective clients, and we love the edge it gives us in the marketplace to be able to equip our agents with such sophisticated tools!"
Kimberly Skinner
Director of Agent Development at Amerus Financial Group
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Key Flowcode features you get

A powerful suite of tools at your fingertips.
Unlimited Scans
Your Flowcode QR codes have no scan limits and never expire.
Custom Designed Code
Make a custom Flowcode featuring your colors, logo, and brand aesthetic.
Advanced Analytics
Gather robust first party data that unlocks insights about brand new offline customers.
FAQ's for QR codes for finance
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Why are financial firms using Flowcode?

There are many reasons why financial firms are using Flowcode. Financial firms use Flowcode to:

  1. Simplify payment processes and provide customers with easier access to financial services.
  2. Provide a way for customers to quickly and easily access loyalty programs.
  3. Create a secure and convenient way for customers to access their account information.
  4. Allow customers to quickly and easily transfer funds. 
  5. Provide a way for customers to easily access discounts, rewards, and other offers. 
Can QR codes be used for payments?

Yes, QR codes can be used for payments. 

  1. PayPal, Square, and similar have integrated into QR codes. The customer scans the merchant’s QR code with their smartphone and enters their payment details on the app or website linked to the code. 
  2. Some mobile wallets like Venmo use QR codes.
  3. Many banks now offer customers the ability to pay using a unique QR code linked to their account.
Is Flowcode secure?

Flowcode's dynamic QR codes meet the highest level of privacy compliance standards outlined by the GDPR and CCPA. Learn more on Flowcode’s privacy page.


How are banks using QR codes?

Banks are using QR codes for customers to quickly and safely access banking services. Banking customers can use QR codes to:

  1. open a bank account
  2. transfer money
  3. pay bills
  4. access a mobile banking platform
  5. conduct transactions. 
  6. Access an ATM with temporary QR pins that work through banking apps.
  7. View promotional discounts or rewards when customers scan specific QR codes.