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QR codes are everywhere. You've probably seen them in advertisements, posters, flyers, and even clothing. But what can they do? And how can you use them? We're here to help! In this article, we'll give you some ideas and examples of how you can integrate QR codes into your marketing strategy — whether it's through stickers or otherwise.
A QR code can be used as a link to your website, or any other web-based content. This is particularly useful if you're shipping a product and want to provide more information about the product, such as instructions on how to assemble it or a video explaining its use.
In addition, you can also use your QR code as an opportunity to ask for reviews from customers who have received their item(s). A simple request that includes instructions on how users can leave reviews from their phones will do the trick!
QR codes can also be used for product packaging. They are a great way to provide information about a product and/or direct customers to the manufacturer’s website. For example, if you sell food products, you could include a QR code on your product packaging that links customers directly to your company’s website where they will be able to find recipes using the ingredients found in your products or similar products that complement what they bought.
Use QR codes to link to your website or social media accounts. You can also use your QR code as a way to direct people to your website, blog, and other online content. You can also include a link in the form of a phone number that customers can use if they want to get in touch with you directly.
Social media links are a great way for businesses to promote their products or services through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter posts, but they don't have as much impact when they're simply posted on social media feeds. If customers find out about these links from stickers on signs around town, it gives them something interesting and useful that they can show off to their friends instead of just posting another selfie in front of the latest restaurant hotspot.
Stickers are a great way to get your brand seen. They can be placed on cars, trucks, and vans, as well as helmets and motorcycle seats. These are great conversation starters, and it gives your newly-customized vehicle some personality.
QR codes can be used in many ways, but one of the most popular uses is to promote a brand or product. As an example, let's say that you're a fan of sports. You could put a sticker on your laptop case with your favorite team's logo embedded into it. This way, when people see your laptop case and look down at the QR code, they'll be able to access all sorts of information about that team and its players—and maybe even buy some merchandise from them!
QR codes have also been used by charities to generate awareness for their cause. For instance, if someone has donated money through his or her employer's charity drive and wants to show support for that organization on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, he or she might place stickers featuring their logo onto their phone cases in order make sure that everyone knows where their heart lies when they get asked where they donate their money at parties!
If you're attending an event or tradeshow, use a QR code to refer people to one of the following:
Now that you know how to use QR codes for stickers, give them a try! Our team has seen great results from using QR codes in this way. We hope these tips will help your business grow too!