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Zak's House

If you're looking for help with your addiction, you've come to the right place. Zak's House is the premier inpatient and residential alcohol and drug rehab for addiction treatment in Fallbrook, California. We provide all levels of care, from detox and rehab to sober living, so anyone can find what they need here. Our mission is to help men and women overcome addiction by providing community, connection, and purpose. Zak’s House is dedicated to providing addiction treatment, rehab, detox, and sober living to patients, assisting families in restoring health and well-being, and bringing hope to their lives. The goal is to empower persons served by Zak’s House to end their use of alcohol and other drugs. It is our commitment to provide clients with affordable individualized best practice effective rehab treatment while staying grounded in the principles of 12-Step recovery. Call us today to learn more about the addiction treatment center!